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Invitation for Kiwi teachers! (cultural exchange with New Zealand)

印刷用ページを表示する 掲載日:2018年8月1日更新

2018 Fukushima Kizuna Revitalization Programme

In 1996 an agreement was made between Fukushima Prefecture and the New Zealand Government to promote regional exchange. Since then a number of exchange programmes have been held between Fukushima and NZ including the acceptance of Coordinators for International Relations from NZ as part of the JET Programme. The Fukushima Kizuna Revitalization Programme invites teachers of Japanese in New Zealand to visit Fukushima, its purpose being to promote exchange between the people of Fukushima and NZ and increase mutual understanding and expand the international views of both regions. As of 2017 a total of 75 teachers have participated in the programme. We are currently accepting applications for the 2018 Programme!

Applications (募集)

(申込先)Send applications to: ILEP Programmes ([email protected])
(問い合わせ)Inquiries: Kyoko Mikami ([email protected])

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