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Fukushima Renewable Energy Research Association

印刷用ページを表示する 掲載日:2016年8月16日更新

Fukushima Renewable Energy Research Association

The Fukushima Renewable Energy Research Association will do its utmost to make Fukushima a “Front Runner in Renewable Energies”. In order to address the many challenges, the Association plays a proactive role in the field of renewable energy by establishing and providing collective networks for the industry/academia/government, to give them a platform to exchange the latest technologies or to make business.

The Association also welcomes companies and other organizations from outside of Fukushima Prefecture, even from abroad. Please feel free to contact us anytime.

Activities of the Fukushima Renewable Energy Research Association


-       Sponsoring of seminars and discussions for developing and accumulating renewable energy-related industries

-       Promoting business matching for renewable energy-related industries

-       Sharing information regarding related technologies and releasing information on websites

Working Groups:

The Association holds 4 working groups; Photovoltaic, Wind Energy, Biomass Energy and Energy Network (*). Together with these working groups, the Association pursues the path of expanding the industry and to establish industrial clusters.

 (*) “Smart Community” working group has been reorganized to “Energy Network” working group in 2015.

Membership List:

◎  As of August 2016, the Association has more than 600 members.

◎  Guidebook for Introducing the Members

Alphabetical List

(The Association is now gathering information from the members, and the data will be sequentially released on the website)

・Categorized List (categorized by renewable energy project)

  Photovoltaic / Wind Power / Hydro Power / Biomass / Smart Community / Ground Source Heat / Storage Batteries / Hydrogen Energy / Others

Contact Information:

Fukushima Prefectural Government

Next Generation Industry Division, Commerce, Industry & Labor Department

Address: 2-1 Sugitsuma-cho, Fukushima City, Fukushima, 960-8670 JAPAN

TEL: +81-24-521-8286   FAX: +81-24-521-7932

E-mail: [email protected]



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