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Top > Steps for Revitalization > Progress of recovery and revitalization > Fukushima Today Environmental Radiation and the Food Safety

Fukushima Today Environmental Radiation and the Food Safety


It has been six years since the earthquake. Fukushima has made steady progress.
Environmental radiation in most regions throughout the prefecture has fallen to levels equivalent
to those outside the prefecture or main cities around the world.
We will report on the Fukushima of today, by focusing on the status of monitoring, environmental radiation
and initiatives to ensure food safety.
Moreover, we will take a look at "Comutan Fukushima," a facility that familiarizes people to radiation
and environmental problems, and promotes greater awareness for environmental restoration and creation
in response to concerns and doubts about the environment in Fukushima expressed by a variety of people.

Cooperation in filming by
JA Fukushima Sakura
Sedette Kashima

■ Environmental radiation
The levels of air radiation within the prefecture have declined greatly since April 2011.
We will report on the environmental changes in Fukushima by focusing on the changes in air radiation
since the nuclear accident until today.
Fukushima Prefecture radioactivity measurement map

■ Food safety
The wealth of nature blesses Fukushima with delicious agricultural, forest and fishery products.
Many people are working hard to ensure their safety.
We will examine the decontamination efforts for farmland, and the inspection system being implemented
to regain consumer confidence.
Fukushima Revitalization Station
Fukushima Association for Securing Safety of Agricultural Products

■ Comutan Fukushima, the Information and Communication Building, Fukushima Prefectural Center for Environmental Creation
Opened in Miharu Town in the summer of 2016
A facility providing visitors with a variety of easy-to-understand information on Fukushima today, and in the future,
such as the environment and progress made since the earthquake.

[Soundtrack used]
The Leaf / MFP [Marron Fields Production]
Komorebi / Moppy Sound
Natsu-no Omoide / Kyaai
Good morning / Takuya Matsumoto

★Lots of fun movies promoting the seasonal charms and a variety of other up-to-date information on Fukushima are being uploaded to the Official Fukushima Prefectural YouTube Channel. Be sure to subscribe to the channel! →https://www.youtube.com/user/PrefFukushima

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Fukushima Prefectural Government
2-16 Sugitsuma-cho, Fukushima City, Fukushima 960-8670, Japan
Tel: +81-(0)24-521-1111

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