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Fukushima Innovation Coast Framework

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Fukushima Innovation Coast Framework

"~Fukushima Today~Steps for Reconstruction and Revitalization in Fukushima Prefecture"

International industry-academia-government cooperation bases

Okuma Analysis and Research Center
(Laboratory for analysis and research of radioactive substances) 

  • The core decommissioning research facilities were placed at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
  • Implementing the analysis of high-density radioactive substances (fuel debris) and other research veopactivities by gathering researchers from all over the world

Location: Okuma Town, Fukushima Prefecture

CLADS Collaborative Laboratories for Advanced Decommissioning Science
International Collabrative Research Building

  • Gathering atomic-energy research laboratories
  • Specifically promoting local education and research activities concerning decommissioning, measures against contaminated water, environment rehabilitation, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, medical science, etc.
  • Enhancing the industry-university collaboration system and promoting the establishment of venture companies
  • Offering training sessions for overseas nuclear engineers
  • Archiving center (Education and research center for handing over the lessons and experiences in the nuclear disasters)

Open: April 2017  Location: Tomioka Town, Fukushima Prefecture

Naraha Center for Remote Control Technology Development

Naraha Remote Technology Development
  • The robot test facilities supposing indoor decommissioning activities and so forth.
  • Improving the facilities shared by companies and universities for research and development activities

Open: April 2016   Location: Naraha Town, Fukushima Prefecture

Robot development and demonstration center

Fukushima Robot Test Field 

Robot Test Field
  • Facilities for private and public activities for researching and demonstrating the (land, sea and air) robots for disasters
  • Technological support for the development of robots for disasters
  • Designated as a special deregulation zone under the Radio Act, Civil Aeronautics Act, etc.

Location: Minamisoma City and Namie Town, Fukushima Prefecture 

Part of Fukushima Robot Test Field to Open
World's first test base for drone operation and long-distance flight control(Press release by METI in July 2018)

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